Take Back Your Life from Traumatic Brain Injury

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Traumatic brain injury takes a tremendous toll on every life it touches. Its devastating aftermath often includes paralysis, mobility impairment, and severe sensory and motor impairments. Extremely severe brain damage can even result in death. Such bleak scenarios do not even begin to account for immense mental anguish and emotional suffering caused by catastrophic brain damage.

Both immediate victims and their loved ones must often make major lifestyle adjustments in the aftermath of debilitating physical limitations. Bereaved loved ones of deceased accident victims experience drastic psychological trauma and protracted grief.  Employers likewise lose when highly productive workers become unable to perform vital duties.

Navigating a nebulous maze:

Virtually everyone knows that others who cause him or her any injury or damage can be held legally accountable in a court of law. Unfortunately, however, most people have only the slightest notion of what is entailed in bringing wrongdoers to justice. Suffering from extreme outrage, emotional distress, and mental anguish, the majority of those directly impacted by a brain injury become overwhelmed.

A qualified, objective advocate is the best ally for anyone who has sustained severe brain injury due to the negligence and reckless conduct of another. Although your case is the most important thing in the world to you, big insurers and at-fault parties give it far less priority. Compiling and analyzing the kind of evidence and extensive documentation necessary is a monumental task. Severely impaired accident victims and their lay family members are no match for such a feat.

Prompt professional intervention:

Retaining the right legal assistance immediately after a traumatic brain injury is imperative to preserve victims’ legal rights and personal interests. The law imposes strict time limits within which litigation must be commenced.  Failure to meet these deadlines results in permanent loss of all opportunity to recover a single cent – no matter how devastating the injury that underlies a damage claim.

Early involvement of competent legal expertise is also essential to maximize recovery, even in the event of timely filed subsequent litigation. Witness’ memories tend to fade and documents get lost or destroyed, while physical conditions drastically alter with time. The evidence for prompt medical attention and retention of competent legal counsel is clear.