FAQs: Headaches after Injuries

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It is common to experience headaches after suffering a head injury. In fact, 80-90% of individuals who have had a concussion report having headaches. Ideally, they eventually subside, but sometimes these headaches may last for weeks – or longer. When experiencing frequent headaches or post-traumatic migraines, it is important to follow up with a doctor with a record of how often they occur, their duration, and a detailed description of the headaches. In some cases, individuals may develop post-traumatic migraines after suffering a bad head injury or loss of consciousness. These migraines can be debilitating and may limit a person’s ability to go about their daily routine. Most likely, they will be referred to a specialist to treat these migraines.


Please watch the video below to learn more about headaches after head injuries.

Crosley Law Firm has a team of experienced attorneys to help if you or a loved one has suffered a debilitating head injury as a result of someone else’s negligence. Contact us today for a free consultation.