Litigating Traumatic Brain Injury Cases – a Presentation by Thomas A. Crosley

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“Litigating Traumatic Brain Injury Cases” is a presentation on the topic of traumatic brain injuries, how to litigate them, and an overview of TBI issues, with definitions, brain imaging technology, types of expert witnesses in a TBI case, and common defenses.

“Traumatic brain injury” (TBI) has long been an important public health concern.  In the last few years, however, there has been ever-increasing public awareness of the devastating effects of even “mild” traumatic brain injury.  TBI has been called the “signature injury” of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.  Many of our U.S. troops who have experienced concussive force blast injuries have developed symptoms attributable to TBI.  In many of these cases, no outwardly visible signs of head or brain injury were detected.  As a result, the Federal Government has poured a significant amount of funding into research concerning traumatic brain injury, and in particular mild traumatic brain injury.