Things to Remember if You are in any Type of Car Accident

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Report the Accident Immediately

If you are unable to call, ask someone else to call the police (or 911) to report the accident and inform the police of the number of people who are injured, so that enough emergency personnel can respond to the scene. Advise all proper agencies of the occurrence (ie: file police report, contact insurance, notify owner of private site where accident may have occurred, contact Tom Crosley Law Firm).

Seek Medical Attention

Even if you donā€™t require emergency medical care, consult a physician as soon as possible. Some time might pass before you are fully aware of the extent of your injuries. Certain injuries may not be apparent until sometime after an accident. Consulting with a doctor may prevent any delay in your treatment and any aggravation of your injury. Even minor soreness can be an indication of a more significant injury.

Identify the Parties Involved

You and the other driver should exchange information, including the other driverā€™s name, address, phone number, drivers license number, license plate number, insurance carrier, policy number, and agents name and telephone number. Get the names, phone numbers and addresses of anyone who saw what occurred. Obtain identifying information from any witnesses to the accident, and ask the police officer who investigates the scene to provide you with a business card and the incident number, so that you can obtain an accident report as soon as possible.

Take Pictures

If possible, take several photographs from every angle of the scene of the accident, any visible injuries, and of the vehicles. Donā€™t forget that most newer mobile phones have cameras.

Keep a Diary

Identify any unusual changes in yourself. This may include all aches and pains, changes in behavior, memory loss, etc. Ask family members or friends if they have noticed any changes in your behavior.
Document all of your losses, including medical bills, reasonable transportation costs related to the injuries, future medical treatment, lost wages, future loss of earnings, the effect on your family, and the effect on your life. An experienced attorney can help you identify all losses that may be related to your accident.

Donā€™t Settle Your Claim with the Insurance Company Until You Know What it is Worth

It is a simple fact persons represented by an experienced and qualified attorney recover substantially more money on their insurance claims. Insurance companies are sophisticated. When it comes to injury claims, many major insurance companies have a policy consisting of the 3 Ds ā€“ Deny, Delay, Defend. If and when an insurance company does offer a settlement, it is often far less than your claim is worth.

Seek Advice from an Attorney

Your call to the Crosley Law Firm will be time well spent. The Crosley Law Firm offers free initial consultations, with no cost or obligation.