FAQs: How Much Does a Personal Injury Lawsuit Cost?

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When entering a personal injury lawsuit, your first question is often ā€˜How much is this going to cost me?ā€™  You may already be missing work from your injuries, and the idea you have to pay even more money to recoup costs continuously lost can be stressful. Why bother when you may end up losing

Good news- It shouldnā€™t cost you anything out of pocket. Most lawyers who deal with personal injury suits do so on a contingent fee, meaning their fee may or may not happen. It depends on the outcome of your case. A typical fee is 1/3 of the settlement at the outcome of the case, but this can vary, depending on different factors.

Tom Crosley shares more detail about the specifics of personal injury lawsuit costs, as well as some tips on how to seek out the best lawyer for your personal injury claim.

Watch the video below to learn more about lawsuit costs:

Crosley Law Firm has a team of experienced attorneys to help if you or a loved one has suffered a debilitating head injury as a result of someone elseā€™s negligence. Contact us today for a free consultation.